1939 BSA C11. £3750

1939 BSA C11. V5C present, plus original buff log book. original reg transferrable and valuable.

Cutting to the chase, this is the 130th BSA C11 ever built. It was built in 1938 and registered in early 1939. here is a short video of it running today:

I am going to stick my neck out here and suggest the following…. how many earlier BSA C11s are left, and how many of those are unrestored? I am going to suggest that this is the oldest completely unrestored BSA C11 on the planet…. unless you can prove me wrong !. And if there is another, I don’t want word of mouth I want proof…. send me a video.

OK, so this is completely unrestored. The minimum has been done to get it running. Yes the lights and horn work. Unfortunately the speedo has already been refurbished and sticks out like a sore thumb. It selects gears and appears ready to ride.

There is a long story attached which I can not be bothered to type, but you are looking at an extremely authentic 1938 BSA C11, and I am saying it is the oldest unrestored one left. It does need work, but it is here, it is registered and it is running and it can appear at your door for £ 150 by the magic of a courier.

The big question this poses: Restore, or leave well alone? I think this needs someone who knows this range to sympathetically restore this. I would hate to see this all plastic coated in six months time or what not. I would also hate to see it vandalised by one of these custom wallas who want to hacksaw it up into a bobber or whatever.